21 Jan 2016


For the youngester's this post will allow them to shift their thinking to way of successs just follow it now..

1. Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Don't let the obstacles in your path keep you from your goals. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. To stay ahead, in business or anything else, you must be able to see situations from all angles and adopt the broadest possible perspective. If your ride has been a smooth one you won't be prepared for theinevitable bumps.

2. Learn How to Say No

It's far better to say no to a project you aren't fully able to take on, rather than say yes and produce poor quality work or lose your focus on what matters most. Learning to say no when it is in your personal best interest, or in the interest of your company, is an extremely valuable skill. Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you must do yourself, and then delegate the things that can and should be done by someone else. Free yourself from daily busywork and you'll open up time for new opportunities

3. Keep a Daily Plan of Attack

You know the old saying: "Whatever isn't written down won't get done." As much as we like to think we can remember our most important tasks, when the workday gets busy and meetings run long it's easy to forget some of the things we need to get done. Each morning write out a detailed plan of attack for the day. Not only will this list keep you more organized, but seeing the list in front of you may help you work harder and ignore distractions.

4. Welcome Criticism

Learn to listen to and absorb the criticism that you get. Hateful and negative criticism should be heard, assessed, and then let go, while constructive criticism should be evaluated and acted upon. Solicit feedback from people whose opinions you value. Remember to be gracious when receiving feedback; when you are, your coworkers and friends will be more likely to give you their support and ideas in the future.

5. Trust Your Instincts

Intuition is very real and something that is never wise to ignore, because it comes from deep within your subconscious and is derived from your previous experiences in similar situations. If your mind is telling you "yes" but your gut is telling you otherwise, it's usually for a good reason. When faced with difficult decisions, seek out all the information you can find, become as  knowledgeable as you can, and then heed your instincts.

6. Take Risks

It's impossible to become successful while always playing it safe. Taking well-calculated risks can bring previously unimaginable opportunities to both your career and your personal life. When taking a risk doesn't pan out the way you had hoped, simply learn from it and keep moving forward. Remember that big dreams-;and great success-;aren't realized by playing it safe!
7. Goal-Setting and Visualization
Ninety-five percent of the successful achievers I have interviewed practice writing down their goals, plans, or vision for success on a regular basis.
They usually practice this first thing in the morning to set their intentions and to prime their mental state to prepare them for a day of challenges on the road to success.
Multi-millionaire entrepreneur Grant Cardone even mentioned to me that he writes his 10X goals out multiple times during the day to stay focused on the massive outcomes he desires.
Action step: Deepak Chopra told me to keep in mind when you are setting your goals to: 
- Stretch for more than you can reach. 
- Make everything measurable.
- Get agreements from your team and supporters.
- Record your progress.
- And set time limits.
8. Gratitude and Positive Self Talk
Being grateful and focusing on the positive seems to be a common priority in the lives of the highly successful. 
Something truly amazing that the best-selling author and neuroscientist Joe Dispenza shared with me is:
"If you’re saying affirmations like, 'I am abundant, I am wonderful, I am unstoppable,' but your emotional state is in fear, then your body is in opposition.
Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body. Those thoughts will bounce off because they aren’t equal to the emotions of fear.
If a person feels gratitude, and has practiced it over and over authentically and they say affirmations like, 'I am wonderful, I am incredible, I am unstoppable' and so on… and it aligns with their autonomic nervous system then this is where the real power comes into play."
Gratitudes are powerful, and a lot of people nowadays are catching on to this.
Actions step: Practice three gratitudes a day between you and a friend or partner, or just by yourself. Whatever helps you to stick to this positive habit. 
But....here's the key with sharing your gratitudes: You must justify why you are grateful, this strengthens the affect. So when you say your gratitude, do it this way: "I am grateful for having my partner in my life because, he/she always supports me and encourages me to follow my dreams no matter what." This reminds you why and has a deeper affect in you than just a surface level statement.

9. Self Development

The super-successful focus heavily on learning new skills, reading practical books and listening or watching podcasts, interviews and informational courses.
During a conversation with the best selling author and leadership coach Simon Sinek, he said:
“My work is never complete, we wake up with a hunger to learn, and no one is ever truly an expert. Anyone who says, 'I’m an expert at anything' has closed their mind to the idea that they might not know everything.
There’s always more to learn. I’ve never considered myself an expert. I’m always a student of leadership. All the work is imperfect and all the learning is continuous.”
Action Step: If you can read 20 full pages a day, or even listen to an hour-long audio/podcast, that roughly equals more than 36+ books a year of new knowledge. Wow! (I learned that one from entrepreneur and habits coach James Clear.)
10. Networking
The high achievers know and live by the saying, “Your network determines your net worth.” 
So they make it a habit to work on building new bridges, collaborating, helping others, attending social events, getting back to people and being a man (or woman) of their word.
Action Step: Make it a habit to meet at least one new person a day or making one follow up/catch up a day.

The key is to commit to at least two to three months of continuous implementation as your body adjusts to the new life you are creating and the habits you are conditioning.
Enjoy the process and make sure you throw in some fun habits, that focus on your mind body and soul also as balance is key to staying sane during this process.

Don't tend to comment in below section with your names & wants for me for the next post...
Thank you for the reading... 

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