6 Feb 2016


Mark Zuckerberg Series Videos

5 Feb 2016


Entrepreneur tips for success

1. Build a new habit in 30 days.

We know it takes about a month to form a new habit, whether it's eating salads, biking to work, or giving up watching the news. That's the message from Google engineer Matt Cutts, who says he "decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher Morgan Spurlock," by trying something new for 30 days at a time. "The idea is pretty simple," he says. "Think of something you've always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days."
Simple and yet powerful. In his talk, Cutts explains how, as a result of his own 30-day challenges, he did things, like hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro and writing a novel (not necessarily a good one), that he never would have done otherwise. More to the point, he discovered that when he used the technique to make gradual changes to his routine, those changes tended to stick. 

2. Laser-focus on your goals.

How hard or easy something is to do depends a lot on your own perceptions, as social psychologist Emily Balcetis demonstrates in a thought-provoking talk. Through a series of experiments, she and her team demonstrated that our perceptions of distance, and of the difficulty of a challenging activity, changes dramatically according to our attitudes, experiences, and motivations.
Who has the easiest time completing a difficult walk? The person who focuses on the finish line at the end of the walk and tries to focus on nothing else. There's a lesson there for us all.

3. Don't get isolated.

National Geographic writer Dan Buettner has traveled the world examining "Blue Zones," places where people have much higher longevity than elsewhere. In this fascinating talk, he describes areas of commonality among them, and perhaps the most striking is this: They all live in tight-knit communities. It may seem like an odd idea in our increasingly mobile, work-at-home world, but having a community of people you share your joys and sorrows with really can make you healthier, happier, and longer-lived. (Here's more about Buettner's findings.)

4. Don't neglect your own emotional health.

Our society overvalues physical health over emotional health, argues psychologist (a.k.a. "not a real doctor") Guy Winch, in an illuminating talk. The result is that too many of us struggle with self-criticism, and loneliness--so much so that it is sending many of us to an early grave. In fact, he says, chronic loneliness and emotional hurt is as bad for you as smoking. But by changing your thought patterns and attitudes, you can reverse a lot of these effects. It's an effort well worth making.

5. Eating right really is worth it.

You know that eating a diet that's high in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and "good" fats and proteins is good for your health. You may even know it can help prevent disease. But did you know that changing your diet can actually reverse cardiovascular disease and shrink tumors? In this very brief talk, UCSF clinical professor Dean Ornish shows how.

6. Never, ever go on a diet.

Diets almost never work, even if you call them "eating plans" instead. In fact, they can lower your metabolism and often cause people to gain wait in the long run. What should you do? Make peace with the fact that long-term weight loss is impossible for most people, says neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt in her highly honest talk. But healthy habits such as eating fruits and vegetables, not smoking, drinking moderately, and exercising at least three times a week can make you healthy no matter what weight you are.

7. Save your next raise.

You'd like to save, but you just can't figure out how when every penny you earn seems to be spent before it ever lands in your bank account? In his talk, economist Shlomo Benartzi offers a breathtakingly simple solution: Wait until your next raise, and then start saving all or part of that increase. It's a brilliant idea that Tony Robbins recommends highly and the best strategy for kicking a savings plan into gear I've ever heard of. 

20 steps for success

  1. Articulate Your Vision. As a communicator, I am happy to see this step come early. Develop a vision for your company, imagining what it looks and feels like as it comes to fruition as a fait accompli, preferably in long hand. Ask yourself these questions: What is the workspace like? Are there other people in it or just you? What is the attitude and atmosphere there? What does your typical day look and feel like? What type of customers do you have? Are they local, national, global? Consumers or partners? What amount of money are you making? What does your lifestyle look like? When you know exactly what you are working toward, it is much easier to direct your work toward that goal.
  2. Inspire Others. Every time you enter a meeting, get on a call, or communicate with another through digital means, remind them of where they fit into your vision. Give them a little bit of your heart and inspire them to give a little bit of their own to advancing the vision with you. Then stay engaged about what you’re working on, and more importantly, why it matters. Collaborate on how they can be a part of your vision and you will be surprised how many people will be delighted to join in, whether officially or as an ongoing part of your “tribe.”
  3. Know the Nuts and Bolts. Engage with experts as needed. But progressively know all that you can about the nuts and bolts of how your business operates. This will allow you to tweak and improve the process as you go, and to make it more resilient as the company grows. Remember that one of your high objectives, in most every case, is to eventually build a company that can operate partly or entirely without you. (This was one of Young’s biggest secrets for the success of his company Laughlin and is why he can dedicate so much of his time currently to inspiring and growing other entrepreneurs.)
  4. Hire for More than “Filling the Gap.” Do your utmost to hire for attitude, integrity and “fire in the belly” – not for brightness, optimism or the right educational pedigree. If you feel in your gut that a hire is not right, act quickly. The business landscape is filled with thoughts of “but maybe if we manage her differently.” Or, “He was here with me at the start. I just can’t bear to let him go.” Perhaps some individuals can evolve and grow with you, but if you look at situations candidly, it should become clear that in many cases they cannot. Let them go, and by setting them free you’ll be doing both them and you a favor.
  5. Train the “Why.” Time and again, companies hire the right people but then fail to train and prepare them for their actual job, hoping they’ll jump in and figure it out on their own. This is a recipe for disaster. Remember, you don’t need to train them on exactly how they accomplish the steps in their job. But you must be explicit about the why — how their work fits into the overall results the organization needs to achieve. Train them with care and schedule follow-up trainings frequently to ensure the quality and depth of the work, and their commitment to it, remains on track (and to give them the opportunity to magnify the position and their roles with in the organization still more.)
  6. Get Clear on Your Message. This is not simply your vision. This is the outward-facing messaging of your company that you share with the world. Too many founders get so caught up in the weeds of getting the work done and landing the next deal they lose sight of the need to communicate their message clearly. Furthermore, remember that your customers’ role is not to make you successful. Their intention is to satisfy their own needs. So how can you help them to do that? Make that the crux of your message, not the success, the victories and the voice and persona about yourself that you want to be seen and heard. (My own note: This is also the crux of thought leadership driven public relations. Companies anguish about the need to be “telling their story” without thought to the stories their customers want to hear to answer needs of their own. Bear this in mind, always.)                      
  7. Market with Concerted Strategies. There will always be a myriad ways to market your product and business. But every company, small or large, has a limit on the marketing funds it can spend. Learn to be laser focused on what’s working for you. Who is your customer? Where do they hang out? What are they reading? How do they arrive at their purchase decisions? When you fine-tune your message well enough that only half of your audience runs away from you and the other half runs toward you, latch on tight, Young says. “That’s all you need. Only half.”
  8. Learn to Sell…And Keep Learning. You can excel in every other step, but your business success will depend greatly (if not entirely) on how well you can sell. Learn the art of selling. Get outside help where needed. Observe your customers as to what caused their eyes to either light up or glaze over, and when it happened. Perpetually hone your sales structure and strategy as it will be one of the biggest influencers (along with supply and the ability to support your growing customer community) on your ability to scale.
  9. Be a True Advocate for Your Business. Young observed a national insurance agency recently as it received an award for high sales. Every agent made ample visits to its customers, on site. They drove company cars, tastefully wrapped in great advertising. They were a walking embodiment of the values they represented. Likewise, the founder of WebMD (a friend of Young’s) is a walking advocate for the company. Seldom or never is he present in any location without the company logo appearing on his accessories, his notebooks, even his clothing  even now that his company has become a household name. How well are you and your employees acting as advocates for your business and brand? Where could you be doing better?
  10. Exceed Your Promises. Remember, customers will return and will spread the news to others when their experience exceeds their expectations. It’s never the other way around. For example, when Young purchased a Mercedes Benz car several years ago, he noted that when he picked up his car, as soon as he opened the door he was met by a collection of branded welcome gifts. Then a set of very nice key chains arrived two weeks later via mail to his home. When he went to the dealership for service he was offered espresso and chocolate-dipped cookies. The dealership also offered massages and manicures to its clients as they waited for service. None of these things were expected, but all were gratefully received and turned his good experience into a great one, and turned him into a fan.
  11. Create Strategic Alliances. There are some companies who go it alone, and others that become masterful at finding and forging strategic alliances. When you find an ideal partner (or set of partners) that makes it possible for you to cross market to each others’ customer lists, you may find yourself stronger within the partnership than either participant could have been on their own. To identify ideal partners, think of companies that have complementary products and services to your own. The tie does not need to be a direct one. For example, a cupcake shop and a pizzeria two doors down could potentially become an ideal partnership match. Remember, great alliance partners may be able to introduce you to potential customers for a much lower cost than required for you to find and reach them on your own. They may teach you how to be successful in a new market you hadn’t considered. And they can provide you with a third-party endorsement of your services. It is worth the effort to seek the strongest possible alliances, and to engage in them well.
  12. Keep Innovating. No matter how great your product, you must perpetually innovate your offerings or you will die. VHS customers evolved to the DVD market, for example, and are now migrating in droves to streaming content delivered online. Here’s a great case study example: Corning cookware has enjoyed a long history as a main provider in the cookware industry. But gradually their marketshare was eroded by foreign manufactures competing at lower price points. The solution? The company challenged itself to find all of the things they could do with their existing expertise and equipment, considering what they might do to survive. They arrived at 20 new ideas, including fiber optic cable (they are now the number one provider of fiber optic cable worldwide). And it was one of these ideas that lead to the creation of “Gorilla Glass” that now provides a growing share of the screens on smartphones worldwide.
  13. Empower Your Team to Fail Forward. You must allow your management team to run forward as opposed to micromanaging every aspect of what they do to mirror the way it would have been accomplished by you. Ideally, you should be hiring people who are smarter than you. Find people with the ability to play at the things you are required to work at. Allow the room for their innovation to grow. As they make mistakes, learn to value and share the learning opportunity that comes from every misstep. Allow them to “fail forward” with the company in all they do.
  14. Go on an Artist’s Date. The concept of the “artist’s date” comes from the book “The Artist’s Way,” by Julia Cameron. But put more simply it is vital that you create opportunities to get out and away from your business at regular intervals to detach your mind from the daily grind of your work. Find ways to do things that are completely different and even indulgent — walks through museums or afternoon movies. Young enjoys coming through thrift shops or going for horseback rides in the woods. Find the ways to stay energized, excited and alive. The effort will keep the business energized and alive along with you.
  15. Think of Your Company as an Asset. Have you noticed how many business founders refer to the business they’ve built as “their baby?” Instead, learn to understand and appreciate your company as an asset. If you were to sell, or to have the need to divert your time and energy elsewhere, could the business survive without you? What are its attributes that would appeal to a potential investor or buyer? Build a business that is “bigger than you.” This will allow you to keep the business vibrant and growing forever, with or without you, and to create something that is more than the sum of your own abilities and your day-to-day work.
  16. Keep Your Finances in Check. Poor financial management is one of the biggest mistakes founders make. There are three primary missteps that occur: 1) Founders leave early participants on the payroll long beyond the value they bring. The cost is astronomical, as payroll is destined to be your largest recurring expense. Furthermore, employees who are no longer growing and rising often become discontented and disengaged, creating even more harm to the business than the monetary cost they extract. 2) Marketing options and costs are never-ending. Continually test the medium and the location of all of your marketing avenues to ensure they are still pulling the level of leads that you need. Make adjustments where needed. 3) In many closely held companies, the founders will pull off all of the profits as they’re earned. It is their right (and can be a hard tendency to fight when in some corporate structures the owner is personally taxed on the company’s profits whether they are taken out and realized as personal income or not). But smart owners think of the company’s finances differently. They pay themselves a reasonable salary. But they also retain revenue needed for the development of new products and to aid in growth.
  17. Know When to Replace Yourself. If you are truly successful, you will create a company that will eventually outgrow you. The personality of a great entrepreneur is seldom the personality of an outstanding corporate manager. Too often, companies that grow to $5M, $20M or $50M continue to operate under the original founder well beyond the point they should. The founder becomes a bottleneck to continued growth and will frustrate a talented executive team. When the time comes to replace yourself, accept and acknowledge that this is a victory for you and the company — not a flag of defeat.

#   Invent or Improve. Many would-be entrepreneurs are stuck from the outset from the want of a good idea. But in Young’s mind, this is the easiest and most straightforward hurdle of all. Think about the people you know and the areas of pain they are feeling. Think about a problem you are having yourself, big or small, and what it would take to lessen the issue or even get it fully resolved. What can you invent or improve that could meet this customer need? As an example, consider the Dyson vacuum cleaner.

#   Determine and Define Your Market. Once you have a great idea, consider who your customer is and where (and how large) your market will be. One of Young’s close friends, for example, secured a publishing contract to write a book about dating strategies for men. She spent two years on the project, excitedly telling Young there was no other book like it. Well, it turned out the reason it was the only such book on the shelf was that men don’t buy books about how to date. There was no market for the topic and therefore no need for her product. Before investing your life, your time and your investment in taking a product to market, be sure you have a firm grasp on who your market is and how interested in your product they’ll be. (Thankfully, as a prologue to Young’s friend’s situation, a savvy publisher showed her how to flip her book topic around to address women, and at long last, she landed a fruitful publishing 

#  Devise Your Plan. To take your business to the market, what (and who) will you need? What will be your channel for delivery? Will you direct market your invention? Will you sell it in retail? Who and what do you need to achieve this, in terms of budget, materials, execution and inside and outside expertise? How will you measure the metrics of each of your efforts to determine how to tweak and evolve your plan as you go? Create a mind map of all of the various spokes in your wheel and then make a list and a timeline of the steps you will take to keep the project from overwhelming you. Of course you will evolve the plan as you go. But without a concrete plan, you don’t have a company. All you have is a general hope and a goal.

  1. Articulate Your Vision. As a communicator, I am happy to see this step come early. Develop a vision for your company, imagining what it looks and feels like as it comes to fruition as a fait accompli, preferably in long hand. Ask yourself these questions: What is the workspace like? Are there other people in it or just you? What is the attitude and atmosphere there? What does your typical day look and feel like? What type of customers do you have? Are they local, national, global? Consumers or partners? What amount of money are you making? What does your lifestyle look like? When you know exactly what you are working toward, it is much easier to direct your work toward that goal.
  2. Inspire Others. Every time you enter a meeting, get on a call, or communicate with another through digital means, remind them of where they fit into your vision. Give them a little bit of your heart and inspire them to give a little bit of their own to advancing the vision with you. Then stay engaged about what you’re working on, and more importantly, why it matters. Collaborate on how they can be a part of your vision and you will be surprised how many people will be delighted to join in, whether officially or as an ongoing part of your “tribe.”
  3. Know the Nuts and Bolts. Engage with experts as needed. But progressively know all that you can about the nuts and bolts of how your business operates. This will allow you to tweak and improve the process as you go, and to make it more resilient as the company grows. Remember that one of your high objectives, in most every case, is to eventually build a company that can operate partly or entirely without you. (This was one of Young’s biggest secrets for the success of his company Laughlin and is why he can dedicate so much of his time currently to inspiring and growing other entrepreneurs.)
  4. Hire for More than “Filling the Gap.” Do your utmost to hire for attitude, integrity and “fire in the belly” – not for brightness, optimism or the right educational pedigree. If you feel in your gut that a hire is not right, act quickly. The business landscape is filled with thoughts of “but maybe if we manage her differently.” Or, “He was here with me at the start. I just can’t bear to let him go.” Perhaps some individuals can evolve and grow with you, but if you look at situations candidly, it should become clear that in many cases they cannot. Let them go, and by setting them free you’ll be doing both them and you a favor.
  5. Train the “Why.” Time and again, companies hire the right people but then fail to train and prepare them for their actual job, hoping they’ll jump in and figure it out on their own. This is a recipe for disaster. Remember, you don’t need to train them on exactly how they accomplish the steps in their job. But you must be explicit about the why — how their work fits into the overall results the organization needs to achieve. Train them with care and schedule follow-up trainings frequently to ensure the quality and depth of the work, and their commitment to it, remains on track (and to give them the opportunity to magnify the position and their roles with in the organization still more.)
  6. Get Clear on Your Message. This is not simply your vision. This is the outward-facing messaging of your company that you share with the world. Too many founders get so caught up in the weeds of getting the work done and landing the next deal they lose sight of the need to communicate their message clearly. Furthermore, remember that your customers’ role is not to make you successful. Their intention is to satisfy their own needs. So how can you help them to do that? Make that the crux of your message, not the success, the victories and the voice and persona about yourself that you want to be seen and heard. (My own note: This is also the crux of thought leadership driven public relations. Companies anguish about the need to be “telling their story” without thought to the stories their customers want to hear to answer needs of their own. Bear this in mind, always.)
  7. Market with Concerted Strategies. There will always be a myriad ways to market your product and business. But every company, small or large, has a limit on the marketing funds it can spend. Learn to be laser focused on what’s working for you. Who is your customer? Where do they hang out? What are they reading? How do they arrive at their purchase decisions? When you fine-tune your message well enough that only half of your audience runs away from you and the other half runs toward you, latch on tight, Young says. “That’s all you need. Only half.”
  8. Learn to Sell…And Keep Learning. You can excel in every other step, but your business success will depend greatly (if not entirely) on how well you can sell. Learn the art of selling. Get outside help where needed. Observe your customers as to what caused their eyes to either light up or glaze over, and when it happened. Perpetually hone your sales structure and strategy as it will be one of the biggest influencers (along with supply and the ability to support your growing customer community) on your ability to scale.
  9. Be a True Advocate for Your Business. Young observed a national insurance agency recently as it received an award for high sales. Every agent made ample visits to its customers, on site. They drove company cars, tastefully wrapped in great advertising. They were a walking embodiment of the values they represented. Likewise, the founder of WebMD (a friend of Young’s) is a walking advocate for the company. Seldom or never is he present in any location without the company logo appearing on his accessories, his notebooks, even his clothing  even now that his company has become a household name. How well are you and your employees acting as advocates for your business and brand? Where could you be doing better?
  10. Exceed Your Promises. Remember, customers will return and will spread the news to others when their experience exceeds their expectations. It’s never the other way around. For example, when Young purchased a Mercedes Benz car several years ago, he noted that when he picked up his car, as soon as he opened the door he was met by a collection of branded welcome gifts. Then a set of very nice key chains arrived two weeks later via mail to his home. When he went to the dealership for service he was offered espresso and chocolate-dipped cookies. The dealership also offered massages and manicures to its clients as they waited for service. None of these things were expected, but all were gratefully received and turned his good experience into a great one, and turned him into a fan.
  11. Create Strategic Alliances. There are some companies who go it alone, and others that become masterful at finding and forging strategic alliances. When you find an ideal partner (or set of partners) that makes it possible for you to cross market to each others’ customer lists, you may find yourself stronger within the partnership than either participant could have been on their own. To identify ideal partners, think of companies that have complementary products and services to your own. The tie does not need to be a direct one. For example, a cupcake shop and a pizzeria two doors down could potentially become an ideal partnership match. Remember, great alliance partners may be able to introduce you to potential customers for a much lower cost than required for you to find and reach them on your own. They may teach you how to be successful in a new market you hadn’t considered. And they can provide you with a third-party endorsement of your services. It is worth the effort to seek the strongest possible alliances, and to engage in them well.
  12. Keep Innovating. No matter how great your product, you must perpetually innovate your offerings or you will die. VHS customers evolved to the DVD market, for example, and are now migrating in droves to streaming content delivered online. Here’s a great case study example: Corning cookware has enjoyed a long history as a main provider in the cookware industry. But gradually their marketshare was eroded by foreign manufactures competing at lower price points. The solution? The company challenged itself to find all of the things they could do with their existing expertise and equipment, considering what they might do to survive. They arrived at 20 new ideas, including fiber optic cable (they are now the number one provider of fiber optic cable worldwide). And it was one of these ideas that lead to the creation of “Gorilla Glass” that now provides a growing share of the screens on smartphones worldwide.
  13. Empower Your Team to Fail Forward. You must allow your management team to run forward as opposed to micromanaging every aspect of what they do to mirror the way it would have been accomplished by you. Ideally, you should be hiring people who are smarter than you. Find people with the ability to play at the things you are required to work at. Allow the room for their innovation to grow. As they make mistakes, learn to value and share the learning opportunity that comes from every misstep. Allow them to “fail forward” with the company in all they do.
  14. Go on an Artist’s Date. The concept of the “artist’s date” comes from the book “The Artist’s Way,” by Julia Cameron. But put more simply it is vital that you create opportunities to get out and away from your business at regular intervals to detach your mind from the daily grind of your work. Find ways to do things that are completely different and even indulgent — walks through museums or afternoon movies. Young enjoys coming through thrift shops or going for horseback rides in the woods. Find the ways to stay energized, excited and alive. The effort will keep the business energized and alive along with you.
  15. Think of Your Company as an Asset. Have you noticed how many business founders refer to the business they’ve built as “their baby?” Instead, learn to understand and appreciate your company as an asset. If you were to sell, or to have the need to divert your time and energy elsewhere, could the business survive without you? What are its attributes that would appeal to a potential investor or buyer? Build a business that is “bigger than you.” This will allow you to keep the business vibrant and growing forever, with or without you, and to create something that is more than the sum of your own abilities and your day-to-day work.
  16. Keep Your Finances in Check. Poor financial management is one of the biggest mistakes founders make. There are three primary missteps that occur: 1) Founders leave early participants on the payroll long beyond the value they bring. The cost is astronomical, as payroll is destined to be your largest recurring expense. Furthermore, employees who are no longer growing and rising often become discontented and disengaged, creating even more harm to the business than the monetary cost they extract. 2) Marketing options and costs are never-ending. Continually test the medium and the location of all of your marketing avenues to ensure they are still pulling the level of leads that you need. Make adjustments where needed. 3) In many closely held companies, the founders will pull off all of the profits as they’re earned. It is their right (and can be a hard tendency to fight when in some corporate structures the owner is personally taxed on the company’s profits whether they are taken out and realized as personal income or not). But smart owners think of the company’s finances differently. They pay themselves a reasonable salary. But they also retain revenue needed for the development of new products and to aid in growth.
  17. Know When to Replace Yourself. If you are truly successful, you will create a company that will eventually outgrow you. The personality of a great entrepreneur is seldom the personality of an outstanding corporate manager. Too often, companies that grow to $5M, $20M or $50M continue to operate under the original founder well beyond the point they should. The founder becomes a bottleneck to continued growth and will frustrate a talented executive team. When the time comes to replace yourself, accept and acknowledge that this is a victory for you and the company — not a flag of defeat.

3 Feb 2016


YOUNGESTER'S: Make Money Online

1. Become a freelance writer and sell blog posts, in-depth articles, and other publications.

2. Become a web developer and build websites for people.
3. If you’re good at building popular websites, flip them like you would houses by buying sites for sale, fixing them up, building a following and selling them on GoDaddy auctions.
4. Transcribe videos, audios and other information for people. TrySpeakWrite or some of these sites.
5. Work from home by taking calls from a call center with services like Liveops.
6. Watch Youtube-style videos online and get paid by Swagbucks. The videos are from brands that need more exposure and you earn points for watching that can be redeemed for cash.
7. Become a graphic designer if you have an artistic side. 99designs is one of the best places to offer these services.
8. Offer translation services if you speak many languages.
9. Make money from Google Adsense or other ad services on your website. Just make sure you have decent traffic first, then apply to put ads on your site and get paid monthly.
10. Do free trials and get paid by Project Payday. Make sure you cancel the trials before you get charged (assuming you don’t like the product).
11. Sell stock photography through sites like ShutterstockiStock, etc.
12. Get paid to use Bing as your default search engine. You get credits for every search you make and can cash them in for gift cards.
13. Sell your junk mail to SBK Center and get Visa prepaid cards that you can use like debit cards.
14. Do online surveys at SendEarnings or other sites. You get $5 just to sign up on SendEarnings.
15. Sell your used clothes at sites like TradesySnapGoods.com,RentNotBuy.com or Loanables.com.
16. Make money every month from helping clean up search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Learn more about doing this for Google here.
17. Make art or crafts and sell them on Etsy.
18. Help companies name themselves through Naming Force or Squad Help.
19. Let someone rent your house or apartment for the night with Airbnb.
20. Sell online course on Udemy. We all know a lot about something, so why not make Udemy lessons on it?
21. Review websites and apps with UserTesting.com.
22. Publish books on Amazon Kindle. Here’s some tips on getting your first few book reviews.
23. Offer PPC advertising services for others who need marketing assistance. Good at Google Adwords, Bing or Facebook PPC? This would be great for you.
24. Create a consulting website for a niche you have a lot of skills in. Consulting and freelance are the future, not regular jobs.
25. Get paid to promote Amazon products through Amazon Associates.
26. Write slogans for different companies and get paid to do it through sites like Slogan Slingers or Get A Slogan .
27. Good at certain school subjects? Become an online tutor for students using sites like Ace Your College Classes.
28. Fix iphones or other smartphones for people. Set up a Facebook Page or website, have people ship you the phones, fix them and ship them back at a set cost.
29. Sell your smartphone photos on an app like Foap.
30. Be part of the Nielsen Consumer Panel and make money by scanning the barcodes of what’s in your fridge and send the data to them for redeemable gift points.
31. Use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to accomplish easy tasks on your computer for some extra income.
32. Sell your notes on Notesale where students can download them for a price.
33. Create a popular or niche-targeted Youtube channel and get paid from advertisements on your videos. Pewdiepie and other Youtubers make millions doing this (believe it or not).
34. Get paid for searching on the internet with Qmee.com.
35. Make money from CPA marketing sites like PeerFly or OfferVault. Instead of people having to buy the product, they just need to perform an action on the page of some kind for you to get paid.
36. Sell stuff on Craigslist that you don’t need anymore.
37. Promote songs, movies, etc. from the Apple Store and get paid through the Apple Affiliate Program.
38. Sell products on sites like Clickbank or Commission Junction by getting others to promote them for you as affiliates.
39. Use Clickbank, Commission Junction or other affiliate sites to market other people’s products and get paid a commission per sale.
40. Make money from Sponsored Tweets by advertising other company promotions to your Twitter following.
41. Create a job section on your website for people looking to find work in your industry and make money per job posting. ProBlogger.net is a site that does this.
42. Make money from revenue sharing sites like InfoBarrel or HubPages.
43. You can earn passive income through peer-to-peer lending through sites like Lending Club.
44. Make money from rebates sites like eBates or Mr. Rebates.
45. Earn extra income from Cash Crate for doing simple tasks they give you.
46. Do different social media promotions for other companies on multiple accounts like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ through Adly.
47. Sell different online services through Fiverr, starting at $5 per task.
48. Make some online income by promoting high-paying hosting companies like Bluehost or HostGator.
49. Sell merchandise or stuff you don’t need anymore on eBay.
50. Write articles and make extra money from the Yahoo.
51. Watch more TV and get paid for answering questions about what you watched using RewardTV.
52. Get rebates in exchange for you grocery receipts with the Ibotta app.
53. Use article bookmarking sites and get paid through ad revenue withSnipsly or Xomba.
54. Promote your favorite email marketing service and get paid commissions through sites like Getresponse or Aweber.
55. Make money through email marketing with Getresponse, Aweber, Infusionsoft, etc. This is one of the best ways to build a following and convert sales for any business.
56. Sell solo ads for people who want to send promotional emails to your email list.
57. Make money answering people’s questions online through sites like Just Answer.
58. Sell your own physical products on Amazon like your own supplements, books, and other products. The Amazing Selling Machine course teaches you how to do this very well.
59. Sell other people’s stuff on ebay and earn commissions through the eBay Partner Network.
60. Make a nice income with IPAS2, a franchise-style business model for people who want to start a business online. You make commissions from selling software, tools, referrals, etc.
61. Make money off of T-shirts you design online with E-shirt or Spreadshirt.
62. Earn some income through stock trading on sites like ETrade or Scottrade.
63. Sell pretty much anything you design without being limited to just t-shirts using a virtual storefront with Cafe Press.
64. Sell advice via telephone through Ether.
65. Sell answers to questions you receive via text message with ChaCha.
66. Answer questions and make money from Adsense revenue through Web Answers.
67. Sell your services as a freelancer at Elance or UpWork.
68. Set up listings for people on eBay or Craigslist for a fee if you’re pretty good at getting stuff sold.
69. Make money from Fantasy Sports on sites like FanDuel or Draft Kings. Believe it or not, some people make 6-figure incomes from this.
70. Earn a little side cash from online poker. Yes, some people do this for a living too. Your poker hobby could pay off.
71. Try your hand at network marketing if you’re a people person and are good at recruiting. Just do your research before picking a company and make sure it’s legit.
72. Monetize your website with CPM (cost per impression) ads. These don’t have to be clicked for you to earn revenue like, say, Adsense would.
73. Create a membership site for people to sign up for and pay a monthly fee. Should be an exclusive club site, have always-updating information courses, or something like that.
74. Share all different types of content on sites like Flixya or Mixx and get paid through ad revenue.
75. Do sponsored videos for different companies for a fee on your Youtube channel promoting a certain product for them.
76. Create multiple small niche sites for specific affiliate products for commissions.
77. Sell your own info products and host them on your website or blog.
78. Get paid to lose weight through HealthyWage or DietBet.
79. Get paid to download apps that pay you to keep them on your smartphone. Here are a few:
80. Create multiple small niche sites for specific Adsense keywords and make money off ad clicks.
81. Become a website tester. You can make $30 an hour doing this with a company called User Testing.
82. Help companies gather feedback from consumers on different aspects of their business by joining a focus group and getting paid. Pro Opinion is one example.
83. Guest Post on websites like Listverse or The Penny Hoarder and get paid $50 or more per post.
84. Build a brand and sell sponsorships through your podcast, blog etc. Get a large following like Tim Ferriss for example, and when you like a product or service, approach them about a sponsorship deal.
85. Design software and sell it online. Good software will always be in demand. If you need something that isn’t in software format yet, find a way to make it yourself.
86. Design WordPress plugins and sell them to bloggers and website owners. You don’t even need a website to do this because WordPress gives you an easy-to-rank sales page for your plugin.
87. Design and sell themes for WordPress sites or others that people can use to make their website look good and function well.
88. Design and sell smartphone apps. If there isn’t much competition and there’s a need for a certain app idea, try to make it yourself. It could really pay off.
89. You can create and sell chrome extensions in the Google Chrome Store.
90. You can become a virtual assistant online and just help others do tasks for them.
91. Flipping domain names is another thing you can do. Some domains sell for thousands of dollars by themselves without even a website being set up with it yet.
92. Use Locket or other sites like them to place an advertisement on the lock screen of your phone and get paid every time you see it. You see the advertisement by unlocking your phone.
93. You can make money online from your smartphone with My Likes, which allows you to create a social media website and get paid when people like your content.
94. Poshmark allows you to download their app, click photos of different fashion items that you would like to sell and get paid 80% when someone buys it and confirms their receipt.
95. Make money by answering polls on sites like Swagbucks.
96. Swagbucks also lets you make money by playing games on their site.
97. Flip books through Bookscouter. This app or site allows you to find the price of books that buyback sites are willing to pay and if you can get them cheap from garage sales, eBay, thrift stores, etc., you can make some good profits.
98. Use Ebates to get paid to buy things online from major retailers through their referral links and get paid 1-25% of the product price back. This can save you some money on your online shopping that you would be doing anyway.
99. Become a customer service rep for a company or website. This way you get steady income like a job, but can work from home by just answering support emails, live chat questions, etc.
100. Make money from coaching if you have lots of experience in  certain field and can give good advice or help people improve results or make decisions in that field.

100 Ways To Make Money Online Legitimately

1. Become a freelance writer and sell blog posts, in-depth articles, and other publications.
2. Become a web developer and build websites for people.
3. If you’re good at building popular websites, flip them like you would houses by buying sites for sale, fixing them up, building a following and selling them on GoDaddy auctions.
4. Transcribe videos, audios and other information for people. TrySpeakWrite or some of these sites.
5. Work from home by taking calls from a call center with services like Liveops.
6. Watch Youtube-style videos online and get paid by Swagbucks. The videos are from brands that need more exposure and you earn points for watching that can be redeemed for cash.
7. Become a graphic designer if you have an artistic side. 99designs is one of the best places to offer these services.
8. Offer translation services if you speak many languages.
9. Make money from Google Adsense or other ad services on your website. Just make sure you have decent traffic first, then apply to put ads on your site and get paid monthly.
10. Do free trials and get paid by Project Payday. Make sure you cancel the trials before you get charged (assuming you don’t like the product).
11. Sell stock photography through sites like ShutterstockiStock, etc.
12. Get paid to use Bing as your default search engine. You get credits for every search you make and can cash them in for gift cards.
13. Sell your junk mail to SBK Center and get Visa prepaid cards that you can use like debit cards.
14. Do online surveys at SendEarnings or other sites. You get $5 just to sign up on SendEarnings.
15. Sell your used clothes at sites like TradesySnapGoods.com,RentNotBuy.com or Loanables.com.
16. Make money every month from helping clean up search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Learn more about doing this for Google here.
17. Make art or crafts and sell them on Etsy.
18. Help companies name themselves through Naming Force or Squad Help.
19. Let someone rent your house or apartment for the night with Airbnb.
20. Sell online course on Udemy. We all know a lot about something, so why not make Udemy lessons on it?
21. Review websites and apps with UserTesting.com.
22. Publish books on Amazon Kindle. Here’s some tips on getting your first few book reviews.
23. Offer PPC advertising services for others who need marketing assistance. Good at Google Adwords, Bing or Facebook PPC? This would be great for you.
24. Create a consulting website for a niche you have a lot of skills in. Consulting and freelance are the future, not regular jobs.
25. Get paid to promote Amazon products through Amazon Associates.
26. Write slogans for different companies and get paid to do it through sites like Slogan Slingers or Get A Slogan .
27. Good at certain school subjects? Become an online tutor for students using sites like Ace Your College Classes.
28. Fix iphones or other smartphones for people. Set up a Facebook Page or website, have people ship you the phones, fix them and ship them back at a set cost.
29. Sell your smartphone photos on an app like Foap.
30. Be part of the Nielsen Consumer Panel and make money by scanning the barcodes of what’s in your fridge and send the data to them for redeemable gift points.
31. Use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to accomplish easy tasks on your computer for some extra income.
32. Sell your notes on Notesale where students can download them for a price.
33. Create a popular or niche-targeted Youtube channel and get paid from advertisements on your videos. Pewdiepie and other Youtubers make millions doing this (believe it or not).
34. Get paid for searching on the internet with Qmee.com.
35. Make money from CPA marketing sites like PeerFly or OfferVault. Instead of people having to buy the product, they just need to perform an action on the page of some kind for you to get paid.
36. Sell stuff on Craigslist that you don’t need anymore.
37. Promote songs, movies, etc. from the Apple Store and get paid through the Apple Affiliate Program.
38. Sell products on sites like Clickbank or Commission Junction by getting others to promote them for you as affiliates.
39. Use Clickbank, Commission Junction or other affiliate sites to market other people’s products and get paid a commission per sale.
40. Make money from Sponsored Tweets by advertising other company promotions to your Twitter following.
41. Create a job section on your website for people looking to find work in your industry and make money per job posting. ProBlogger.net is a site that does this.
42. Make money from revenue sharing sites like InfoBarrel or HubPages.
43. You can earn passive income through peer-to-peer lending through sites like Lending Club.
44. Make money from rebates sites like eBates or Mr. Rebates.
45. Earn extra income from Cash Crate for doing simple tasks they give you.
46. Do different social media promotions for other companies on multiple accounts like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ through Adly.
47. Sell different online services through Fiverr, starting at $5 per task.
48. Make some online income by promoting high-paying hosting companies like Bluehost or HostGator.
49. Sell merchandise or stuff you don’t need anymore on eBay.
50. Write articles and make extra money from the Yahoo Contributor Network.


How To Copy Our $3,000 Per Day Business Model” 
We'll go over exactly how you can copy our simple, online business model that has made $3,000+ per day for countless people. 

51. Watch more TV and get paid for answering questions about what you watched using RewardTV.
52. Get rebates in exchange for you grocery receipts with the Ibotta app.
53. Use article bookmarking sites and get paid through ad revenue withSnipsly or Xomba.
54. Promote your favorite email marketing service and get paid commissions through sites like Getresponse or Aweber.
55. Make money through email marketing with Getresponse, Aweber, Infusionsoft, etc. This is one of the best ways to build a following and convert sales for any business.
56. Sell solo ads for people who want to send promotional emails to your email list.
57. Make money answering people’s questions online through sites like Just Answer.
58. Sell your own physical products on Amazon like your own supplements, books, and other products. The Amazing Selling Machine course teaches you how to do this very well.
59. Sell other people’s stuff on ebay and earn commissions through the eBay Partner Network.
60. Make a nice income with IPAS2, a franchise-style business model for people who want to start a business online. You make commissions from selling software, tools, referrals, etc.
61. Make money off of T-shirts you design online with E-shirt or Spreadshirt.
62. Earn some income through stock trading on sites like ETrade or Scottrade.
63. Sell pretty much anything you design without being limited to just t-shirts using a virtual storefront with Cafe Press.
64. Sell advice via telephone through Ether.
65. Sell answers to questions you receive via text message with ChaCha.
66. Answer questions and make money from Adsense revenue through Web Answers.
67. Sell your services as a freelancer at Elance or UpWork.
68. Set up listings for people on eBay or Craigslist for a fee if you’re pretty good at getting stuff sold.
69. Make money from Fantasy Sports on sites like FanDuel or Draft Kings. Believe it or not, some people make 6-figure incomes from this.
70. Earn a little side cash from online poker. Yes, some people do this for a living too. Your poker hobby could pay off.
71. Try your hand at network marketing if you’re a people person and are good at recruiting. Just do your research before picking a company and make sure it’s legit.
72. Monetize your website with CPM (cost per impression) ads. These don’t have to be clicked for you to earn revenue like, say, Adsense would.
73. Create a membership site for people to sign up for and pay a monthly fee. Should be an exclusive club site, have always-updating information courses, or something like that.
74. Share all different types of content on sites like Flixya or Mixx and get paid through ad revenue.
75. Do sponsored videos for different companies for a fee on your Youtube channel promoting a certain product for them.
76. Create multiple small niche sites for specific affiliate products for commissions.
77. Sell your own info products and host them on your website or blog.
78. Get paid to lose weight through HealthyWage or DietBet.
79. Get paid to download apps that pay you to keep them on your smartphone. Here are a few:
80. Create multiple small niche sites for specific Adsense keywords and make money off ad clicks.
81. Become a website tester. You can make $30 an hour doing this with a company called User Testing.
82. Help companies gather feedback from consumers on different aspects of their business by joining a focus group and getting paid. Pro Opinion is one example.
83. Guest Post on websites like Listverse or The Penny Hoarder and get paid $50 or more per post.
84. Build a brand and sell sponsorships through your podcast, blog etc. Get a large following like Tim Ferriss for example, and when you like a product or service, approach them about a sponsorship deal.
85. Design software and sell it online. Good software will always be in demand. If you need something that isn’t in software format yet, find a way to make it yourself.
86. Design WordPress plugins and sell them to bloggers and website owners. You don’t even need a website to do this because WordPress gives you an easy-to-rank sales page for your plugin.
87. Design and sell themes for WordPress sites or others that people can use to make their website look good and function well.
88. Design and sell smartphone apps. If there isn’t much competition and there’s a need for a certain app idea, try to make it yourself. It could really pay off.
89. You can create and sell chrome extensions in the Google Chrome Store.
90. You can become a virtual assistant online and just help others do tasks for them.
91. Flipping domain names is another thing you can do. Some domains sell for thousands of dollars by themselves without even a website being set up with it yet.
92. Use Locket or other sites like them to place an advertisement on the lock screen of your phone and get paid every time you see it. You see the advertisement by unlocking your phone.
93. You can make money online from your smartphone with My Likes, which allows you to create a social media website and get paid when people like your content.
94. Poshmark allows you to download their app, click photos of different fashion items that you would like to sell and get paid 80% when someone buys it and confirms their receipt.
95. Make money by answering polls on sites like Swagbucks.
96. Swagbucks also lets you make money by playing games on their site.
97. Flip books through Bookscouter. This app or site allows you to find the price of books that buyback sites are willing to pay and if you can get them cheap from garage sales, eBay, thrift stores, etc., you can make some good profits.
98. Use Ebates to get paid to buy things online from major retailers through their referral links and get paid 1-25% of the product price back. This can save you some money on your online shopping that you would be doing anyway.
99. Become a customer service rep for a company or website. This way you get steady income like a job, but can work from home by just answering support emails, live chat questions, etc.
100. Make money from coaching if you have lots of experience in  certain field and can give good advice or help people improve results or make decisions in that field.

100 Ways To Make Money Online Legitimately

1. Become a freelance writer and sell blog posts, in-depth articles, and other publications.
2. Become a web developer and build websites for people.
3. If you’re good at building popular websites, flip them like you would houses by buying sites for sale, fixing them up, building a following and selling them on GoDaddy auctions.
4. Transcribe videos, audios and other information for people. TrySpeakWrite or some of these sites.
5. Work from home by taking calls from a call center with services like Liveops.
6. Watch Youtube-style videos online and get paid by Swagbucks. The videos are from brands that need more exposure and you earn points for watching that can be redeemed for cash.
7. Become a graphic designer if you have an artistic side. 99designs is one of the best places to offer these services.
8. Offer translation services if you speak many languages.
9. Make money from Google Adsense or other ad services on your website. Just make sure you have decent traffic first, then apply to put ads on your site and get paid monthly.
10. Do free trials and get paid by Project Payday. Make sure you cancel the trials before you get charged (assuming you don’t like the product).
11. Sell stock photography through sites like ShutterstockiStock, etc.
12. Get paid to use Bing as your default search engine. You get credits for every search you make and can cash them in for gift cards.
13. Sell your junk mail to SBK Center and get Visa prepaid cards that you can use like debit cards.
14. Do online surveys at SendEarnings or other sites. You get $5 just to sign up on SendEarnings.
15. Sell your used clothes at sites like TradesySnapGoods.com,RentNotBuy.com or Loanables.com.
16. Make money every month from helping clean up search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Learn more about doing this for Google here.
17. Make art or crafts and sell them on Etsy.
18. Help companies name themselves through Naming Force or Squad Help.
19. Let someone rent your house or apartment for the night with Airbnb.
20. Sell online course on Udemy. We all know a lot about something, so why not make Udemy lessons on it?
21. Review websites and apps with UserTesting.com.
22. Publish books on Amazon Kindle. Here’s some tips on getting your first few book reviews.
23. Offer PPC advertising services for others who need marketing assistance. Good at Google Adwords, Bing or Facebook PPC? This would be great for you.
24. Create a consulting website for a niche you have a lot of skills in. Consulting and freelance are the future, not regular jobs.
25. Get paid to promote Amazon products through Amazon Associates.
26. Write slogans for different companies and get paid to do it through sites like Slogan Slingers or Get A Slogan .
27. Good at certain school subjects? Become an online tutor for students using sites like Ace Your College Classes.
28. Fix iphones or other smartphones for people. Set up a Facebook Page or website, have people ship you the phones, fix them and ship them back at a set cost.
29. Sell your smartphone photos on an app like Foap.
30. Be part of the Nielsen Consumer Panel and make money by scanning the barcodes of what’s in your fridge and send the data to them for redeemable gift points.
31. Use Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to accomplish easy tasks on your computer for some extra income.
32. Sell your notes on Notesale where students can download them for a price.
33. Create a popular or niche-targeted Youtube channel and get paid from advertisements on your videos. Pewdiepie and other Youtubers make millions doing this (believe it or not).
34. Get paid for searching on the internet with Qmee.com.
35. Make money from CPA marketing sites like PeerFly or OfferVault. Instead of people having to buy the product, they just need to perform an action on the page of some kind for you to get paid.
36. Sell stuff on Craigslist that you don’t need anymore.
37. Promote songs, movies, etc. from the Apple Store and get paid through the Apple Affiliate Program.
38. Sell products on sites like Clickbank or Commission Junction by getting others to promote them for you as affiliates.
39. Use Clickbank, Commission Junction or other affiliate sites to market other people’s products and get paid a commission per sale.
40. Make money from Sponsored Tweets by advertising other company promotions to your Twitter following.
41. Create a job section on your website for people looking to find work in your industry and make money per job posting. ProBlogger.net is a site that does this.
42. Make money from revenue sharing sites like InfoBarrel or HubPages.
43. You can earn passive income through peer-to-peer lending through sites like Lending Club.
44. Make money from rebates sites like eBates or Mr. Rebates.
45. Earn extra income from Cash Crate for doing simple tasks they give you.
46. Do different social media promotions for other companies on multiple accounts like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ through Adly.
47. Sell different online services through Fiverr, starting at $5 per task.
48. Make some online income by promoting high-paying hosting companies like Bluehost or HostGator.
49. Sell merchandise or stuff you don’t need anymore on eBay.
50. Write articles and make extra money from the Yahoo Contributor Network.
51. Watch more TV and get paid for answering questions about what you watched using RewardTV.
52. Get rebates in exchange for you grocery receipts with the Ibotta app.
53. Use article bookmarking sites and get paid through ad revenue withSnipsly or Xomba.
54. Promote your favorite email marketing service and get paid commissions through sites like Getresponse or Aweber.
55. Make money through email marketing with Getresponse, Aweber, Infusionsoft, etc. This is one of the best ways to build a following and convert sales for any business.
56. Sell solo ads for people who want to send promotional emails to your email list.
57. Make money answering people’s questions online through sites like Just Answer.
58. Sell your own physical products on Amazon like your own supplements, books, and other products. The Amazing Selling Machine course teaches you how to do this very well.
59. Sell other people’s stuff on ebay and earn commissions through the eBay Partner Network.
60. Make a nice income with IPAS2, a franchise-style business model for people who want to start a business online. You make commissions from selling software, tools, referrals, etc.
61. Make money off of T-shirts you design online with E-shirt or Spreadshirt.
62. Earn some income through stock trading on sites like ETrade or Scottrade.
63. Sell pretty much anything you design without being limited to just t-shirts using a virtual storefront with Cafe Press.
64. Sell advice via telephone through Ether.
65. Sell answers to questions you receive via text message with ChaCha.
66. Answer questions and make money from Adsense revenue through Web Answers.
67. Sell your services as a freelancer at Elance or UpWork.
68. Set up listings for people on eBay or Craigslist for a fee if you’re pretty good at getting stuff sold.
69. Make money from Fantasy Sports on sites like FanDuel or Draft Kings. Believe it or not, some people make 6-figure incomes from this.
70. Earn a little side cash from online poker. Yes, some people do this for a living too. Your poker hobby could pay off.
71. Try your hand at network marketing if you’re a people person and are good at recruiting. Just do your research before picking a company and make sure it’s legit.
72. Monetize your website with CPM (cost per impression) ads. These don’t have to be clicked for you to earn revenue like, say, Adsense would.
73. Create a membership site for people to sign up for and pay a monthly fee. Should be an exclusive club site, have always-updating information courses, or something like that.
74. Share all different types of content on sites like Flixya or Mixx and get paid through ad revenue.
75. Do sponsored videos for different companies for a fee on your Youtube channel promoting a certain product for them.
76. Create multiple small niche sites for specific affiliate products for commissions.
77. Sell your own info products and host them on your website or blog.
78. Get paid to lose weight through HealthyWage or DietBet.
79. Get paid to download apps that pay you to keep them on your smartphone. Here are a few:
80. Create multiple small niche sites for specific Adsense keywords and make money off ad clicks.
81. Become a website tester. You can make $30 an hour doing this with a company called User Testing.
82. Help companies gather feedback from consumers on different aspects of their business by joining a focus group and getting paid. Pro Opinion is one example.
83. Guest Post on websites like Listverse or The Penny Hoarder and get paid $50 or more per post.
84. Build a brand and sell sponsorships through your podcast, blog etc. Get a large following like Tim Ferriss for example, and when you like a product or service, approach them about a sponsorship deal.
85. Design software and sell it online. Good software will always be in demand. If you need something that isn’t in software format yet, find a way to make it yourself.
86. Design WordPress plugins and sell them to bloggers and website owners. You don’t even need a website to do this because WordPress gives you an easy-to-rank sales page for your plugin.
87. Design and sell themes for WordPress sites or others that people can use to make their website look good and function well.
88. Design and sell smartphone apps. If there isn’t much competition and there’s a need for a certain app idea, try to make it yourself. It could really pay off.
89. You can create and sell chrome extensions in the Google Chrome Store.
90. You can become a virtual assistant online and just help others do tasks for them.
91. Flipping domain names is another thing you can do. Some domains sell for thousands of dollars by themselves without even a website being set up with it yet.
92. Use Locket or other sites like them to place an advertisement on the lock screen of your phone and get paid every time you see it. You see the advertisement by unlocking your phone.
93. You can make money online from your smartphone with My Likes, which allows you to create a social media website and get paid when people like your content.
94. Poshmark allows you to download their app, click photos of different fashion items that you would like to sell and get paid 80% when someone buys it and confirms their receipt.
95. Make money by answering polls on sites like Swagbucks.
96. Swagbucks also lets you make money by playing games on their site.
97. Flip books through Bookscouter. This app or site allows you to find the price of books that buyback sites are willing to pay and if you can get them cheap from garage sales, eBay, thrift stores, etc., you can make some good profits.
98. Use Ebates to get paid to buy things online from major retailers through their referral links and get paid 1-25% of the product price back. This can save you some money on your online shopping that you would be doing anyway.
99. Become a customer service rep for a company or website. This way you get steady income like a job, but can work from home by just answering support emails, live chat questions, etc.
100. Make money from coaching if you have lots of experience in  certain field and can give good advice or help people improve results or make decisions in that field.
Make Money with a Retail Website
One of the ways to gain profit online is knowing how to make money with a retail website. This is a website where you can sell products at a retail price. Making a successful site will consume energy and time but it also needs minimal start-up capital as compared to an offline store which necessitates money for supplies, rent, stocks and employees.
When operating a retail website, bear in mind you still need to follow the laws regarding businesses in your location. You need a license from the government should you sell items such as alcohol, guns, meat or tobacco. You have to get a tax identification number, seller’s permit for wholesale goods, home occupation permit and state tax number.
You need to have a domain name at a minimal price every year so as to get a website address and an official email address. The latter will allow you to communicate directly with potential clients, increasing the possibility of getting more sales. This is one of the ways on how to make money with a retail website.
Make your website using free online tools if you possess the skills or knowledge to do this. There are also step-by-step procedures in building a website which you can follow on the internet. If you want a professional looking retail website, you can hire the services of a web designing company at a small cost. If you want a big retail website, hire the full-time services of someone who shall handle your retail business’ technical side. If you want a simple website just to launch your business, you can register an account with Amazon or eBay and have your own store there. These two sites have a vast base of paying customers.
Your retail website must have payment options to collect payments from your customers, especially when you are not with a big company. This can cost a minimal amount but potential customers would buy goods at sites with a famous 3rd-party service such as Google Checkout or PayPal. They prefer such payment options than to give information about their credit card. You may also accept your customers’ payment via banks, mail or wire transfer.
Promote your retail website online and offline. You can add your site to online directories and search engines. You can also send emails to people you know and press releases to media outlets. You may also buy ad space at other websites. Design your retail website with quality content having the right keywords that best describe your products for your site to be optimized and crawled by search engines. Search engine optimization is an internet marketing tool that brings potential or targeted paying customers to websites.

Thank you..
